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shasta 23rd May 2011 19:33


Originally Posted by ddshow (Post 28056)
$INSTALLER09['cookie_prefix'] = 'some text';
$INSTALLER09['cookie_path'] = 'some text';
$INSTALLER09['cookie_domain'] = 'some text';

you put some details here ======/include/config.php empty were i put some text without quotes and work the login if not work empty the cookie on your browser

thanks , with just put the cookie_domain working good

ddshow 24th May 2011 17:23


Originally Posted by Bump:
what can i have to do for make this dont see


  if ($debug_ids) {
    if ($q['query_stat']) {
    $htmlfoot .= "


    foreach ($q['query_stat'] as $key => $value) {
    $htmlfoot  .= "
    $htmlfoot .='
IDQuery TimeQuery String
".($key + 1)."". ($value['seconds'] > 0.01 ?
" : "".

delete this lines in templates/1/template.php

Bigjoos 24th May 2011 19:25

PHP Code:

$debug       = array(1234); 
$debug_ids   = (SQL_DEBUG && in_array($CURUSER['id'], $debug) ? 0); 

On each template.php function stdfoot - Everyone does not see that... if you would follow and trace the code you would have seen that only the userid's in the allowed array can see the query debug info. Its setup for the Sysop to have it on because that is info you need to see if you know anything about code.

Tony 26th May 2011 01:34

This is a VERY good source for people wanting a stable trusted script to start them off and im glad bigjoo and the rest who built this source decided to release it :drink:

I think its better for users to use a safe , supported source than use most of the sources which have simply been modified to hell in less than a couple of days and then put up for release with endless shabby backdoors and exploitable files etc due to it being a person who isn't experienced enough in the first place..

Good luck with the project bigjoo and the rest and hope i learn some things from the sources for myself :friend:

Bigjoos 29th May 2011 11:59

Thanks for the comments tony, Were trying our best with it, You know you can take some credit yourself for this because its down to me seeing your torrentstrike modded code ages ago that gave me the push to do it with Tbdev source code :friend:

kp380lv 4th June 2011 21:12

Good luck Joos but i think that russian coders are lil bit better. They are making torrent tracker source scripts with SEO,Memached,Cron Sytem,integrated external torrent,optimized,secure accurate written php scripts and so on. Most of all russian and ukrainian source codes is based on YSE all other versions is heavy modified YSE scripts. That's proove one thing - YSE 4ever..

But it's great that to heard about U-232 project. Looks very interesting:)

Good luck!

Bigjoos 5th June 2011 01:22

Wouldn't argue there mate im no one to compare my skills to anyone because im still a n00b considering the grand scale - There's so much talent out there developing atm, im still catching up in a lot of aspects but i have a vision or i have an expectation im trying to aspire to so heres hoping and thanks a lot for the encouragement.. means a lot .. Test server url is posted so dont be shy : )

Eltan 17th June 2011 16:09

veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy nice :)

it53lv 18th June 2011 23:29

ssl sertificate seems not to be trusted by google chrome
so ithink you need to fix some of that ore not use https

Bigjoos 19th June 2011 01:01

I create my own self signed certificate which is arguably as secure if not more secure than your so called " bought " certificates you choose to no enter it thats your choice.., the project is open source, i host it all myself and i dont pay for jack, if you wish to pay attention to some stupid response on your browser fine but don't waste your time telling me how to set up a webserver because i can do that for fun.

wMan 19th June 2011 01:03

chrome what laf its never working proper get IE or firefox 3 then you will see better lol:muscle:

it53lv 19th June 2011 09:41

most of people don't know that so i'm just pointing that out that's all

numanx 27th June 2011 12:22

hi there i am glad that i use one of the best tbdev projects....
please can you give me all the templates from the demo version....

DSTKreek 4th July 2011 21:01

Hello , i have this error Memcache Extension not loaded.
I install U-232_V1_Memcached...

Bigjoos 5th July 2011 11:22

You need to ensure that you correctly installed memcache on your server or that code wont run at all.

@numanx - All themes used on my test server i have posted beside all the mods for it on my own support forum, they are all V2 themes for the V2 version only.

wMan 7th July 2011 15:30


or other repo. BTW, when you use only one server (localhost), it’s better to use APC or XCache because they don’t open TCP connection.

Bigjoos 8th July 2011 10:14

Right i'll make it real simple

Number 1 : it is not my problem how you the end user installs memcache, thats a server thing under your control and it is nothing to do with me nor will it ever be.

Number 2 : The install proccess is clearly explained and i can not make it any easier, if you cannot work it out i suggest another hobby again not my problem, and i certainly aint here to wipe arses because i have a life and a project to run, and it seems funny the majority of switched on people round my test server manage just fine so that tells me your the one with the problem.

Number 3 : Get that silly post edited because im not here to answer the flood of questions to do with memcache installs its nothing to do with me and never will be, If you cant handle it the code is simply not for you, so either smarten up or go elsewhere.

putyn 8th July 2011 10:41


Originally Posted by it53lv (Post 28486)
ssl sertificate seems not to be trusted by google chrome
so ithink you need to fix some of that ore not use https

for your own information no browser will like/trust self signed certificates - every browser has a different way of dealing with them

if firefox offers you a way to install that untrusted certificate that you use on your server directly from the browser , chrome has a different approach and if you want to trust that certificate you need to install it manually

btw my chrome has no problem with self signed certificates (including the one used on the demo server) as long as i installed the certificate in the trusted root certification authorities

but the issue with self signed certificate has noting to do with the source, its the end user job to buy a trusted certificate

wMan 8th July 2011 13:28


Originally Posted by putyn (Post 28915)
for your own information no browser will like/trust self signed certificates - every browser has a different way of dealing with them

if firefox offers you a way to install that untrusted certificate that you use on your server directly from the browser , chrome has a different approach and if you want to trust that certificate you need to install it manually

btw my chrome has no problem with self signed certificates (including the one used on the demo server) as long as i installed the certificate in the trusted root certification authorities

but the issue with self signed certificate has noting to do with the source, its the end user job to buy a trusted certificate

im not getting this untrusted certificate just a white index page thats it and yes all steps was done please del the install folder white index ,:unknown:

Azarus 9th July 2011 16:04

hello I have this message on my website, I do not understand the problem

Memcache Extension not loaded.

I understand I need a server ?

wMan 9th July 2011 16:21


Originally Posted by Azarus (Post 28957)
hello I have this message on my website, I do not understand the problem

Memcache Extension not loaded.

I understand I need a server ?

read my post thead about it a few up you need to put it on thou ssh

Azarus 9th July 2011 16:40

ok I have no server rofl

danne112 13th July 2011 17:40

is there anyone that know how to install memcache extension on xampp 1.6.8 centos5 ?

wMan 13th July 2011 18:25

now is this fix in it or not as i get a white index after install ?
PHP Code:


Added to two dict functions on takeupload.php, fix only applys to U-232 Standard and V1 Memcached.

Bigjoos 21st July 2011 11:24

What is with you and huge incoherent posts i cant make sense of - man thats a story you posted, simple read and follow the instructions and the code installs just fine if you follow what your instructed, your rambling on about

" And in the install folder there no install/config.sample.php install/announce.sample.php

set it in car`nt get in using password yes ive done 4 installs and i do not forget my db or password so whats up ?

or should it be "

No it shouldn't be - The scripts you say are in install/extra and you do nothing to them there are coded to work when used properly and no the index.php is not in the extra folder its within install so its loaded to allow an interface obviously, Linux and windows are different so what are you using and did you even bother yer arse reading the readme which gives instructions on what to edit per os, You see i know hundreds of people running this code and installing it so your post is a load of nonsense, smarten up and use your head or leave u-232 alone cos it aint no fly by night source code and it takes a little grey matter to work on it.

@danne drop the useless xammp and install from package or synaptic manager on your os the biggest problem people hit using cent os is wasting there times with xammp instead of setting up the webserver themselves using individual packages which is the correct way, xammp may be ok in test environment but its useless in production environment

x360zone 21st July 2011 12:07

joes source works very well indeed, if you cant/dont know how to memcache then dont,and use his other normal version
and a proper webserver is the only way the amount of people who run into tracker issues with xamp is amazing.
{i mean a shitty hosting account only costs a few$}

and if you cant follow the setup instructions or need help with a install let me know i will help out if i can,

danne112 23rd July 2011 22:41

whats the diffrent between v2 mods and the orginal mods version?

Bigjoos 26th July 2011 00:07

V2 i changed the globals from $TBDEV to $INSTALLER09 because the code is nothing to do with Tbdev, not that i care because im the man that made probably 90 percent of the 09 source code mods available on Tbdev but thats history now, sure its the base code and i respect the fact but it will only cause grief and i had my own personal reasons, The V2 mods mainly have memcache utilized in them, Any V2 mod can be used in any version if your smart enough and know how to back track the memcache if any or change the globals over.

xDev 26th July 2011 00:09


Originally Posted by Bigjoos (Post 29252)
V2 i changed the globals from $TBDEV to $INSTALLER09 because the code is nothing to do with Tbdev, sure its the base code and i respect the fact but it will only cause grief and i had my own personal reasons, The V2 mods mainly have memcache utilized in them, Any V2 mod can be used in any version if your smart enough and know how to back track the memcache if any or change the globals over.

YES thou ssh

what is it ? like this announce.php or yoursite/announce ?

as theres no
announce.php at all
And on install its asking for one
announce.php not there got site up but not on the upload coss of the announce

Bigjoos 26th July 2011 23:15

Your another one that cant follow simple instructions, There is no announce.php or config.php included because there called announce.sample.php and config.sample.php, the install script creates them and places them into correct locations, so if you cant follow those install instructions dont bother with the code.

Your english is absolutely terrible and i aint guessing what you tried to say there, if you want any help from me then get your act together and speak in coherent english.

KustomizeR 27th July 2011 02:21

Is there any multi-tracker mod for this?
Like you download a torrent from a tracker, you upload the same file to your tracker and your tracker just adds the announce URLs to the file?

underx 27th July 2011 22:04

when going to the install page i got all directories with red saying they need 777 chmod!
I allow permissions many times but still having the same problem!
(i try V2 from svn)

Bigjoos 28th July 2011 10:27

Your not doing it correctly then - do the chmod then load install/index.php so it reads the chmod once its all been done, The code install in seconds so you have no excuse what so ever, if your server is not chmodding files then the problem lies there not with the code. You dont even need to use the install script - can set up db then import install.sql then rename announce.sample and config.sample to there respective names and add details and bang same result sites online, but its no going to do jack if you dont get the chmod sorted, you are pressing f5 and refreshing the page after you chmod them obviously ?

@Kutomizer, nope no multi tracker mod, U-232 has always been used as private tracker source code.

underx 29th July 2011 15:28

Thanks Bigjoos for answering !
I'm testing it on Xampp with windows 7 ! always same thing ! knowing that I'm administrator (in Windows 7) and I tryied removing the read only in properties !!
I even tried linux free hosting and I'm sure that chmod is 777 but always Red Crosses :(
I tried all sources here in Bvlist and it's first time i got this problem !
Its abvious I know but I cant manage this problem :(
So if there is any idea to solve it let me know please otherwise I will not be able to use it :sorry:

Bigjoos 29th July 2011 15:50

Ah should have mentioned it was win. Thats odd mate, I run the test site on win7 X64 with a full 64 bit webserver i built up myself, all the latest releases, Apache 2.2.19, Mysql 5.5.14, PHP5.3.6 Phpmyadmin, and APC also memcache, should be no need for any chmod in windows so its a permission thing probably UAC control -= switch it off but maybe its no that, if you dont get any luck pop onto my test server and we'll try to assit.

DooM 29th July 2011 17:16

This source rocks! Nice work!

xDev 29th July 2011 17:29


Originally Posted by DooM (Post 29298)
This source rocks! Nice work!

if it dose why the announce not working

Bigjoos 29th July 2011 18:16

Simple you dont know what your doing, Bad workmen always blame the tools.

KrackerMan 29th July 2011 22:42


Originally Posted by takeedit (Post 29299)
if it dose why the announce not working

Works perfectly for me you must of did something wrong along the way.

xDev 29th July 2011 23:36


Originally Posted by Bigjoos (Post 29300)
Simple you dont know what your doing, Bad workmen always blame the tools.

now let me see,
upload code thou 1,root 2,upload DB 3,cmod files and folder,4,rename announce.sample AND config.sample too announce and config go to yoursiteurl install set what you want,log on site upload and get HTTP error in utorrent lol coss the announce not working as it should with the the said site announce url in it :muscle:

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