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Essence 15th November 2008 00:47


Originally Posted by dezza (Post 6583)
TBdev is bad anyways :coffee: .. Uses print which is slower than echo all trough the script, tables instead of divs, and too many coding styles in it, too many combined forces ..

Although your statement about echo being faster then print is true, it is
only by 111ms faster.. It can make a big difference on a BIG tracker.

Your comment about tbdev being bad is a little childish.
TBDev is also a learning place and will always be that. If you look through posts from staff and others we do point out echo being faster then print and other things such as using mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users when clearly
mysql_query("SELECT username, email FROM users is faster then using other query and also helping them secure there mods.

We do try to enlighten tbdev members of better coding to the best of our knowledge. So you can not say TBDev is bad due to members posting there mods and somethings are not correct.

Fynnon 15th November 2008 01:06

I saw the post earlier but i forgot to edit it...i can`t do everything in here ~
Anyway freedom of speech is what we encourage here, of course not cursing and badmouthing others (except xam)

If someones opinion is that tbdev is bad then be it you cant have everybody love you ! Some people like PMBT others like Gazelle and others like tbdev...

Well we don`t like flaming and users atacks in here and i personally hate to ban someone...i prefer editing :-)
(you can fight as much as you want but with nice words please)


dezza 15th November 2008 03:36

I do not want to discuss whether TBdev is a good source or not, I agree that it has alot of supporting members and that it might be a good place to start coding, but I still wonder why no-one started started replacing prints and other leftovers like all the deprecated functions in PHP5/6 (magic quotes for example) ..

Don't take it as personal offence, I just say, that is not my coding style, and I still wonder why someone didn't create an open-source alternative that is more clean and up-to-date.. I apologize.

joeroberts 15th November 2008 08:36


Originally Posted by dezza (Post 6583)
TBdev is bad anyways :coffee: .. Uses print which is slower than echo all trough the script, tables instead of divs, and too many coding styles in it, too many combined forces ..

:lol: the time between print and echo is so minute its not even worth mentioning.

Originally Posted by php.faqts
1. Speed. There is a difference between the two, but speed-wise it
should be irrelevant which one you use. echo is marginally faster
it doesn't set a return value if you really want to get down to the
nitty gritty.

2. Expression. print() behaves like a function in that you can do:
$ret = print "Hello World"; And $ret will be 1. That means that print
can be used as part of a more complex expression where echo cannot. An
example from the PHP Manual:

$b ? print "true" : print "false";

print is also part of the precedence table which it needs to be if it
to be used within a complex expression. It is just about at the bottom
of the precedence list though. Only "," AND, OR and XOR are lower.

3. Parameter(s). The grammar is: echo expression [, expression[,
expression] ... ] But echo ( expression, expression ) is not valid.
This would be valid: echo ("howdy"),("partner"); the same as: echo
"howdy","partner"; (Putting the brackets in that simple example
no purpose since there is no operator precedence issue with a single
term like that.)

So, echo without parentheses can take multiple parameters, which get

echo "and a ", 1, 2, 3; // comma-separated without parentheses
echo ("and a 123"); // just one parameter with parentheses

print() can only take one parameter:

print ("and a 123");
print "and a 123";

so I think you need to be a little more under standing about what you say and not just go off repeating what you hear!!

Laffin 16th November 2008 01:49


Originally Posted by dezza (Post 6743)
Don't take it as personal offence, I just say, that is not my coding style, and I still wonder why someone didn't create an open-source alternative that is more clean and up-to-date.. I apologize.

And why havent u answered your own challenge? Since Yer Coding Style is far superior.... I mean from yer statements ya sound like yer better than the coders at tbdev (Oh Wait, I'm on TBDev as well).

This sounds much like the noobish thoughts. TBDev was created by a bunch of ppl, so saying that it's style is crap, pretty much speaks for u as a coder.
As most coders know, they will be 100's of ways of doing the same thing, and not 1 of them is gonna be more correct than the other. And thats why tbdev coders learn so much in so little time. The diversity of styles of code.

dezza 16th November 2008 15:52

Yes several parts can be faster if you do it different..

- There are places where switches are faster than if/else statements
- You can use mysqli, since it will be faster and more secure, for example because you do not have to sqlescape it.
- Co-ersion instead of (int)

I can keep on finding examples since so many tingered with that code.

If you want to keep on repeating each other then you are welcome.. This thread can be as long as you like .. :smack: But send one monk and let him speak instead of the whole church to represent TBdev lol.:sleep: There are still people waiting for support on your forum you know.

Like Fynnon said 1st post this is no TBdev-site, we want alternatives to TBdev, if you want to whine about that, go whine in your own forum.

bvlist story, omg..

Laffin 17th November 2008 10:32

Nuther words, ya detract from doing yer own tracker.

Thanks, nuff said about yer codig skills :)

tomasasg 7th June 2009 00:12


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